Cooking Your Turkey

How to cook your turkey perfectly is much debated by home-cooks and celebrity chefs. Recipes often involve bacon, butter or brine, but this is how we cook our turkey perfectly with succulent breast, dark meat falling off the bone, and crispy skin.

Preheat your oven to 170°C (or 150°C for fan ovens).

Put the fat from your bag of giblets into a roasting tin.

Put the turkey into the roasting tin upside down, i.e. with the breast facing down, on top of the fat.

Cook upside down for ¾ of the total cooking time.

Every oven is different so check the turkey after half the time and turn your oven down if the skin already looks crisp and great to eat, potentially even cover with foil to protect it.

Pour excess fat and juices into a bowl. (The fat is excellent for roasting potatoes and the juices want to go in your gravy)

With ¼ of the time remaining flip your turkey onto its back to crisp up the breast.